????Cape Verdean becomes world champion in junior kit surfing
The kitsurfer from Sal island, Cape Verde, Hendrick Lopes won this weekend, the title of world champion in junior kit surfing, held in Spain.
The kitsurfer from Sal island, Cape Verde, Hendrick Lopes won this weekend, the title of world champion in junior kit surfing, held in Spain.
About 25.7% of the Cape Verdean population eligible to take the COVID-19 vaccine has already taken both doses. This percentage should increase exponentially in the coming days, notes the National Health Director, adding that 73.7% of those eligible already have at least the first dose.
Boa Vista from Friday 10, there is a charter flight from Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The operation relates to the recovery I gave to the land that sends the tourist to the island of the Dunes.
Today, the operator TUI Germany summarizes the operations on the islands of Sal and Boa Vista.
The consideration rests with the Prime Minister. Ulisses Correia e Silva explained that the country has been preparing for some time to position the Archipelago as a safe destination
The Nha Card, a Covid-19 digital certificate in Cape Verde, came into force on September 1st. From now on, it is mandatory to present the Nha Card to access the entertainment spaces in the archipelago.
Following a national agenda of promotion and investment and export, Cape Verde CVTradeInvest, projects approved and approved and granted an application for 3,654 workstations in all sectors.
New record in cruise tourism
Among the more than one million registered passengers are 48,500 tourists on cruise trips who visited Cape Verde in 2019. An increase of 3% over the previous year and a new record, according to provisional data from Enapor.
According to the aforementioned statistical report of 2019, Cape Verdean ports then received a total of 48,495 cruise ship passengers, an increase of 1,415 compared to 2018 (+ 3%).
In 2018, tourists who arrived in Cape Verde on cruise ships had broken a record, exceeding 47,000. It was an increase of 10,000 tourists compared to 2017 (+ 24%).
Globally, Cape Verde's ports received in 2019 a total of 7,862 ships, of all types of cargo and passengers (-1% compared to 2018). Of these, 147 were cruise ships, which even represented a drop of 26.1% compared to 199 registered in 2018.
These cruise ship stopovers are practically concentrated in Porto Grande (26,021 passengers), Mindelo, on the island of São Vicente, which increased 14.8% compared to 2018, and Porto da Praia (14,107 passengers), Santiago island, in this case with a 22.5% year-on-year drop.
In the Enapor report for 2018, the company already highlighted that the “cruise business in Cape Verde reached a new milestone” that year, with a record of cruise ship stopovers at national ports.
According to the same report, 2018 was also “marked by the signing of a 10 million euro donation from the Dutch Government, through the Orio Fund, to finance the construction of the Mindelo cruise terminal”, as well as Enapor's entry in the list of members of MedCruise - Mediterranean Cruise Port Association, which represents more than 100 ports and 30 companies.
Lusa reported at the end of October that the future cruise terminal on the Cape Verdean island of São Vicente is advancing in 2020, in a public investment of more than 2,900 million escudos (26.2 million euros) in three years, with the aim of moving annually , 200,000 passengers.
The information is contained in the State Budget Law for 2020, being one of the most emblematic public works projected by the Government for next year, already with a budgetary allocation for the start of the contract of 972 million escudos (8.8 million euros) .
In 2021, the Government foresees an allocation of 1,152 million escudos (10.4 million euros) for infrastructure work, plus 779 million escudos (seven million euros) in 2022, the year in which the cruise terminal of São Vicente should be concluded.
“The Government intends to transform Cape Verde into a maritime platform, and the Special Economic Zone for Maritime Economy should be implemented, guaranteeing Cape Verde's competitive insertion in the regional and international economy”, reads the document.
He adds that “to achieve this objective, a cruise terminal will be built on the island of São Vicente, which will have a huge impact on the economies of São Vicente and Santo Antão, as well as an inducing effect on the economy of Cape Verde”.
About 760 thousand tourists visited Cape Verde in 2018, with the Government's goal reaching one million tourists in the archipelago in 2021.
The Government of Cabo Verde has approved the creation of a different status for anyone who owns a second home in Cabo Verde, by issuing a “Green Card” to foreigners, which offers a permanent residence permit for an indefinite period of time, under a decree published in the country’s Official Bulletin.
The new law sets out the possibility of exemption from excise duty on assets (IUP), aiming to ensure that the process of issuing the “green card” to foreigners who buy property in Cabo Verde is swift, effective and efficient.
It added that if green card holders are retired and their retirement income was not generated in Cabo Verde, they qualify for exemption under the Individual Income Tax Code (CIRPS).
“However, with the approval of the law that created a different status for the owner of a second residence in Cabo Verde a number of situations to be regulated by the government has been identified, in terms of the completeness of Law No 30/IX/2018, of 23 April,” noted the document quoted by the Inforpress news agency.
The Casa do Cidadão (Citizen House) has been assigned the task of granting the Green Cards and the Directorate for Borders and Foreigners is the responsible public entity.
The diploma approved by the government entered into force immediately after its publication. (macauhub)
The information is part of the international public tender for the use of grid reception capacity for two photovoltaic solar plants, each with a capacity of 5 MW, or a qualified arrangement on December 31, through the National Directorate of Industry, Commerce and Energy. (DNICE).
The competition, according to the same information, consulted today by Lusa, involves a request for expression of interest (SMI) to “mobilize private sector promoters, consortia or joint ventures to design, design, build, commission, finance, operate and maintain ”as two power stations under independent producer
The two plants will be installed in Santa Maria, Sal Island, and in Salamansa, São Vicente Island.
A call for proposals runs until January 31st, and any selection process, second or tender calendar will be completed by May 15th.
These two plants, whose electricity production will be obtained for injection in the national grid, inserted in the PDES (Sustainable Development Plan) prepared by the Government of Cape Verde, which sets a target of renewable energy penetration of over 50% by 2030.
Electricity production in Cape Verde through public utility Electra ends in 2018 through 11 thermal power plants, one wind farm and two solar farms, plus four independent producer farms.
The available power in Electra's generation park, according to the company itself, totals a maximum of 132 MW, repaired by 124,664 MW (94.4%) thermal plants, 0.6 MW (0.5%) wind farms and 6,750 solar energy. MW (5.1%).
Electricity production in Cape Verde, in 2018, reached 429.6 GWh, being 79.2% of thermal origin, 18.7% wind and 2.1% solar.